Friday, August 22, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Radiohead video competition winners are announced

Here are the four winners.

"Weird Fishes/ Arpeggi"

"15 step"



Thursday, August 14, 2008


What the heck is this?

To check out more high speed photography hit this up.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


This video is just too weird.

You're about to smell what the rock and the wyclef is cookin

One of my favorite songs (hey it reminds me of my youth)

French monster!!!

No it's just Sabastiene Chabal check out this british news story.

Here is the big guy in action:


Jay-z always "Feelin' it"

Honey i shrunk the vick

Too funny. Little dog little Vick

Radiohead t-minus pretty darn soon

"exit music"

The loop kid

This young man has discovered the savagery of the loop pedal.

THis kid be feelin it

"Bold as Love"

I just needed to redeem myself

WARNING: this video may be too intense for anyone. It took me two tries to watch.

Whimsy music wednesday

Yeah I do enjoy this stuff every so often. Or maybe I have just been to Taylors too many times.

"Bleeding Love"

This one was found by the alpha bro Matt.

"Should've Said No"

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nouveaux Music Monday

Hot Club De Paris deserves a listen. I think it sounds like a bit of Vampire Weekend and apparently futureheads. By any stretch Hot Club De Paris is punky/pop. Here is a better review.



Sunday, August 10, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

So you think you like cereal

This guy Ryan Alxiev sure does. One things for sure great use of medium.

I guess the pitchfork festival was cool (But the pictures are sweet)

Clearly feelin it

I hate mosh pits but the mud is so inviting

Nice guitar BRO

Dan Deacon is the ugliest SOB

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yo I Aced Art Class

Don't touch my rod

Here is another great shot from Deviant Art. This guy means business.

Get your solar on

Ever sit outside wondering whats going on? Sun beating against your face and you wonder about the levels of solar activity? Well problem solved. This is a website belonging to an amateur solar enthusiast who is chronicling the current solar cycle.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Just because Colin loves Kanye

Painter Allen Dunn paints to Kanye or as I call him the K-man

He needs to calm down that crazy painter vibe!

Feelin it hard

Things not to talk with your French teacher about

In a fascinating story from BBC news France has been accused by Rwanda as having an active role in the Genocide of 1994 which killed 800,000 people in 100 days. Rwanda claims that France new of the immenent genocide, and occused french troops of direct involvment. This is very problamatic for the rest of the world as well as France in light of the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide which states in Article II-C That complicity in genocide is a punishable offense.
Here is a link to a full PBS Frontline website which is filled with analysis, interviews, a timeline, and clips from the documentary. Here is the first section of the PBS documentary entitled The Warning to wet your whistle:

Nuit et Brouillard, Night and Fog

I recently stumbled upon this classically French philosophical look at the horrors of WWII. This film was created in 1955 by the French Committee for the History of the Second World War. It is one of the most potent and illicit views of the horrors of the German concentration camps. The film is lower quality black and white, but it only lends itself to the message and the aura of the film. The French narrator delivers solemn monotone lines when needed but mostly allows the images to sink in.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Colin has shown interest in my listening habits. (Like he doesn't know already)

Walking the multitude of blocks to attend my egregious classes this summer term I have fully explored the musings of Pearl Jam, specifically Lollapalooza last year. The crowd is pumped Vedder is gettin all riled up on politics and Mcready is shredding what else do you need?

It's a party

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Shredding Dutchman

Joe Bonamassa trying to play guitar. successfully!

In honor of B

The mars volta enjoy shredding hard.

I'm going to invite out a dear freind of mine.

Ben Harper and Eddie Vedder rockin indifference. The only shortcomings of this vid is its in support of Ralph "I am a monster hippie" Nader.

Those Crazy Serbs

Radovan Karadzic attended his first appearance before the war crimes tribunal in Hague, to answer charges that he led Bosnia into an ethnic war that turned to genocide. What a creep

Friday, August 1, 2008

Check out the man

We got top man speeches of all time. Does it get any better. We got classics like Lou Gehrig, “Farewell to Baseball Address” Plus lesser known speeches from presidents and Native American Cheifs.Check it

This band asked me not to read this

Where would the world be without Jack Black and Kyle Gass? NOT ROCKING.

80s fine art

Rick James cool. Eddie Murphy Cool. When they come together magic happens.


The people asked for Rick James and Eddie Murphy they got it. Now they are calling for Michael Jackson and Eddie they got it:

You can't deny the sick beats!!

Space is closer than you thnk

"British billionaire Sir Richard Branson showed off a key piece of his fledgling commercial space program Monday, unveiling a carrier aircraft designed to launch a passenger-carrying spaceship."

Delicious 90's cut

Just watch it...

KIller Clapton Mayer combo

Live from 2005 Eric Clapton and John Mayer feelin it for Katrina victims.

And you thought you heard prince

Heres a hilarious cover of prince


"Rise", from Eddie Vedder's soundtrack to "Into the Wild" is being used to raise awareness and resources to fight cancer. For more information, please visit

Killer Summer Read

This book gives hope to all who love debauchery. The pages are filled with the stories and ramblings of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain and his journey through the culinary underbelly. The book is by no means tame Bourdain spends many a chapter describing the unpleasant aspects of restaurants including reasons why you should not order fish on monday..
Who does not love the pixies let alone a frames cover of a killer pixies song?
EPIC Pearl jam at Vh1 rock honors the who

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Well Saturday GIRL TALK blew away the Roseland within the first 10 minutes of the show the stage was full of sweaty Indies gyrating to the heart pounding base blasting sampling of GIRL TALK. By the end the entirety of the Roseland was dripping with sweat and the smell of a high school grind off, I mean dance. Seriously pre-pubescent teens were dry humping each other to a tribute band dedicated to the Jesus Lizard .

Welcome to Feelin it

This blog is dedicated to feelin it. The way I start feelin it (the act of becoming excited to the point you cannot lose) is through Music, Books, sports, and any other tidbits I happen to start feelin. THis blog will be dedicated to all things entertainment and key world events I deem worthy. Don't read this blog and expect powerful insights or wordy reviwes. This blog will simply attempt to expose you to my interests and likes. Please stay tuned fot my first true entry in the coming days. ENJOY.