Thursday, July 31, 2008

Well Saturday GIRL TALK blew away the Roseland within the first 10 minutes of the show the stage was full of sweaty Indies gyrating to the heart pounding base blasting sampling of GIRL TALK. By the end the entirety of the Roseland was dripping with sweat and the smell of a high school grind off, I mean dance. Seriously pre-pubescent teens were dry humping each other to a tribute band dedicated to the Jesus Lizard .

Welcome to Feelin it

This blog is dedicated to feelin it. The way I start feelin it (the act of becoming excited to the point you cannot lose) is through Music, Books, sports, and any other tidbits I happen to start feelin. THis blog will be dedicated to all things entertainment and key world events I deem worthy. Don't read this blog and expect powerful insights or wordy reviwes. This blog will simply attempt to expose you to my interests and likes. Please stay tuned fot my first true entry in the coming days. ENJOY.